My Path to Prophesy
How can I call myself a prophet?
Many reading this may think of the Prophets of old such as one of the writers of the prophetic books of the Bible. Or one may think of Nostradamus. I do not put myself in the same category.
Yet one dictionary defines a prophet as "one gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression." Hmmm. I’m not sure I have moral insight and while I have been told I have exceptional powers of expression, I'm not sure that I totally fit that description. Another definition lists "one who foretells future events." This comes closer but doesn’t quite fit either.
During much of my adult life I have had some level of psychic ability. As I learned to talk to the angels and ultimately to God, my psychic ability seemed to strengthen. In the last few years I developed that ability/skill.
I found when asked specific questions, I started to have incredible insights that simply and profoundly were not coming from me - but through me.
I came to start sharing my ability with some of my spiritual friends. It is they that started to see me more as prophet than a psychic. They felt that some psychics only see the negative side and were often saddened/depressed by the experience. Yet when I read for them, it had been a uplifting experience.
At first I resisted the idea until they shared their definition with me. It was borrowed from evangelistic prophet Kim Clement. "The prophet is one who sees beyond your present circumstances and gives you access to future events in your life. He refuses to be controlled by your fears, errors, and mistakes, but rather makes a courageous demand on your ability to progress. You cannot do this without a glimpse into the future, which is what the prophet allows you to see. His words always bring hope and enrichment."
While it may appear this is something I do, I see it as something that I am. It is part of my being. My prophetic readings are different from many psychic readings. I ask my client to bring questions, instead of giving a general reading.
It might help if I explained how a prophetic reading works – or at least how it works with me. I ask my client to give me some information while l a connection: their full, name, their age, martial status, children, job. It is while they are giving me that information that I start to connect and at some point, I will ask them to stop. At this point they can ask whatever questions they want.
I am connected with are spirit guides, angels, and even God. The message comes mostly in my thoughts. I can also receive complete messages. I often am given visions to explain the message or even to relay to them. And on occasion, the angels will have something to say which I will convey. Sometimes they can be quite insistent about it and I will have to acknowledge them so they will be quiet long enough for me to listen to my client.
For several reasons I can assure you that the information I share comes through and not from me. First, I am not so educated as to have such a diverse knowledge base. I receive information that I have no knowledge of. Second, I seldom remember what I have just spoken. To the point that I ask a client to take notes because often I am prolific in the amount of information that I transmit. I hope to soon be able to offer digital recordings, but do not presently have the capability.
Now I realize since I have had the nerve to declare myself as a prophet, there are those who will immediately wish to declare me a false prophet. And I’m going to tell you here and now I indeed at times appear to be a false prophet.
If after having received prophecy an individual changes the conditions and the circumstances of his/her life and the proclaimed prophecy does not come to pass, then the prophet has served God’s purpose perfectly. A false prophet is a prophet nonetheless.
I have served many as a prophet. They have been both uplifted and guided with the message that I shared. At times, I believe they have also been inspired.
Why do I wear robes?
I don't in my everyday life. I am not a member of clergy although I am very devoted to God. On occasion I wear the robes as an outward expression of my inner self. I do see myself as a servant to God and look forward to reading for you.
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